Locanto Template online booking without age of children option

Hi am italian so forgive my english… Downloaded a Locanto template for Hotel website and discovered that the online booking lacks of the option (for enquirying customers) to put age of children in the booking procedure… Since children usually have discounted rates depending on age… wich should be calculated together with parent rates for journey quote and payment, this makes the entire booking system unusable…
Someone having solution for this ?
Thank you

If it’s not a standard feature then you may need to hire help. You can look on www.studio.envato.com

Yes this is evident… cannot understand how they (Authors) just avoid to put this absolutely common functionality into the template. No Hotelier in the Whole world can make it work as an online bookingsystem this way on nowadays.
If they just needed for more money why dont offer relative plugin directly associated with the template ?

thnks for the link but when I`m ther ?

Hi @auraki,

Have you tried to contact theme author? If the feature you are looking for is so common, you can suggest the author releasing it in the very next theme update :slight_smile:


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I can’t see a theme by that name but perhaps they are using some form of booking plugin that you could add a field/data to?

Sorry it was a Freudian slip… the right name of the template is: CALLUNA it is for hotels and the one with the bluey homepage…

Are you sure you are using the most up to date version?


Look on the left hand side of the latest booking screen - ‘Children’?

It uses WP Hotelier Plugin which has a huge array of options and features and could definitely cater to add children and other variables

Yes I am shure last updated Calluna , Hotel Template… just number of children but no option to put their age… Who the hell does not know that the quotes from hotels differ according to the ’ age ’ of the children.

I guess there could be a part of T&Cs or even mentioned in the form that a child is one aged between 2-10 for example.

I don’t know much about this category or space but just looked a the biggest booking and hotel sites in the UK and while I am sure they ask the age at some point during the booking process - the initial search either just says ‘number of children’ or ‘Children (2-11)’

usually first field = number of children… if more than one, a field for every child appears and on each of them the enquirer inserts respective age… Just in my town there are at least 150 Hotels… I can assure that noone offers a single quote without knowing the age of the children… (just as example… from 0 up to 3 in age pay 15 EU - from 4 up to 8 pay 30% and from 9 up to 14 pay 50% of adult rate) - A template that claims to have an onlinebookingengine cannot fail on having this function !!