Load more button in Visual Composer block make empty space after last post is fetched (newspaper theme)

I have set up a block using Visual Composer, to only show posts (Wordpress) from a spesific category. I have also spesified to show the first 3 posts initially on the frontend (for that block).

After the 3 first posts there is a “Load more” button.
When I click the Load more button and the last posts are fetced, I notice there is some extra space after the last post and the next block in the page.

When I inspect the page, I see that the space is related to a DIV which normally show the “Load more” button. There is a DIV there with a class = td-load-more-wrap

It would be nice if this div is not output when there is no more posts to fetch for the given block. Is there a smart workaround to hide this div, if the Load more button is invisible, in order to get rid of the empty space the td-load-more-wrap DIV causes?