Live Preview for "Throne" shows error message

“Throne” is one of two themes I’m pitching to a client. The demo has been generating a database error all day. Also makes neg impression on the client. I tried contacting Kubistudio on their social media; no reply. From link below, try the Live Preview.

Theme at ThemeForest

Seems as though the 4th version is the only one working. ( ). Probably not the one you are wanting to pitch though.

yes, you are right. their demo site running database connection error. hope they @KubiStudio wil fix it soon. if you are interested you can let them know going through their theme comments page and post a comments.


@ScioCoreDev thank you for that link. I forwarded it to our client.

@mgscoder that also is a good tip!


Sorry for late reply we have already set it up now you can check it.

Best Regards

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Thank you, KubiStudio.