Live Keyword Stat Page would be awesome !? Envato Team ?

Hello There !

This is an idea I want to propose to the Envato Team since a while now :
Creating a new page, visible for everyone with the most searched keywords by the customers per marketplace, not only the top 5 but the top 30 or 60…or more.

Why is that interesting ? Because all the authors could know what is really searched by customers, and maybe discover that some keywords are very specific and don’t have enough items matching (examples : “Funny Squirrel Dancing” or “Announcement death slideshow” or “Tatoo Shop Marketing”… :slight_smile: )

Each Keyword could have next to it the number of items matching on the marketplace to see if there is a gap or if there are already enough items.

And it could be very useful if next to the keywords we could see a + or - position since last day with Green / Red / Orange colors. That could show us for example that “Valentine” is going to grow every day and how fast in the month that is coming.

The Goal is to find new ideas, to be more specific and responsive to the customer request so everybody is happy !

So what do you guys think of it ? Other ideas ?

Ok I must be the only one then ! :slight_smile:

Then, in this case, if top 3 keywords will be “modern”, “responsive” and “agency”, for instance, be sure that exactly like you, other 1000 authors will upload very similar files, all based on those 3 keywords.

Which is not good at all, because one important feature of the Envato marketplace is exactly the diversity of items.

Hi Greenline and thank you for responding.

In fact it’s exactly the opposite because the system would put in light the fact that those 3 keywords are “RED LIGHTED” because already 15 000 templates match to those keywords.

Those 1000 authors would have low chances to make money because it’s already over-crowded. And maybe they will see that “Vintage” “Green” and “Architecture” (this is an example) are GREEN LIGHTED and that there is maybe something to do there.

Giving the keywords searched by customers cannot be bad for business… It’s not possible.
Envato has to show us wich of them represents opportunities.