Licensing on Envato is like telling a bad joke

for someone that has downloaded lots of music and sound effects, attributing a license is absurd.

Let say you download like 50 tracks to try them out over the course of a few months.
Then you need a license for 5 of them… How do you know which tracks on the website to license?
the download page only lists the name, and there is such simple basic repetitive names, you can’t find it.
Then you do, it’s confusing which one it is, if you have a number of tracks.
Also if you download a music cue for the 2nd or 3rd time, it doesn’t come as recent, rather the license is listed the ORIGINAL time you downloaded it, making it nearly impossible for someone in my case to find.

I had to spend 5 hours trying find licenses for 5 tracks for a trailer, god it was tough on this site.
PLEASE: Attach the item name to the file so if you need a license you can track it down.
PLEASE: Under download section, have some sort of search available for tracks you needed license for. I have downloaded 1000’s of sound effects that you don’t need licenses for, and the download page make it CRAZY to use.


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Are you an Elements subscriber, by chance?

Yes of course. I can’t download a clean version without being a subscriber.
Thanks for asking.