Licensing for use of "Yellow Pencil CSS"

Question: when I buy the license for use of “Yellow Pencil CSS”, is this for use site wide only?
Or can I use the same license on my other personal sites?

I am using it to change my registration forms on my membership sites.

Thanks in advance for considering my request,

Hello Rick and welcome to Envato forums,

If you want to use a plugin like “Yellow Pencil CSS” for a theme (for selling on ThemeForest) for example, then you need to purchase an Extended License for this plugin.


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Thanks for the reply. No I do not want to sell any themes. My personal sites are for my use, I do not sell sites, just memberships on my personal sites.

This is for using my websites only. I am wanting to customize my registration forms on my site with Yellow Pencil CSS.

Again, my question is: if I buy the YT CSS to customize my forms…
a) can i use the YT CSS on more than one form site-wide?
b) can I use the YT CSS license on my other personal sites?

You should check with the author but my understanding would be:

  1. Yes it’s ok to use for different forms on the same site
  2. You will definitely need a new license/purchase for each different website

Thank You Chas