Level 9 Finally

Hi all,
It’s been exactly 1year since I’ve unlocked lv7 and now, RubikThemes is at lv9.
Please kindly send big thanks to Envato for creating such an amazing market, our customers for their support, fellow authors to maintain the market quality & competition (so all of us can improve at our best, not saying to the price battle to the bottom :)) during the time we’ve been working here.

I remember that Collis created Envato so we, creative authors, can only focus on design but things changed so fast.
Current situation is tougher & tougher, more competitive, only focusing on product creation is still good but not enough.
We must have a real business strategy, marketing, growth hacking techniques…
Anyway, after all, we have to move forward.

Envato has given us very first steps to go globally and we have improved ourselves much then.
We really appreciate any moves you’ve done and hopefully what you are doing will bring us sweet cakes.

Thank you very much!
Michael from RubikThemes


Congratulation @TheRubikThemes :tada: Good luck for more sales :slight_smile:

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Congratulations! @TheRubikThemes :tada: