Let's share funny GIF animations

mudi said

This is how it feels when reviewer rejects item.

Item approval reaction

lenerway said

First soft rejected then hard rejected.

funny gifs

OMG! Who did this?! lol


diogo_pereira said

Found a quarter/penny/cent under your bed:

Edit: How the hell do you post a gif here?? :smiley:

Post images like this:



Just keep that in mind!
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Caption This xD
The official HTML5 Icon


Image and video hosting by TinyPic

“So, what exactly are you going to do with that new 50 demo’s multipurpose WP theme?”

ThemeFusion after making Avada.

funny gifs

Novak5 said

After weeks and weeks of hard work, finally first sale!

LOL :))))))

env1ro said

Don’t try this at home :smiley:


Lol, So funny!! :smiley:

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You and the Envato staff after a new item is approved

Hard Rejected

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Authors demanding big changes to Envato, and then the changes come… :slight_smile:

Author who sees his multi purpose item being approved:

Seeing validation errors on that item:

Author who advertises with unlimited support and free installation services:

Buyer who sees there are no 12 ‘Premium’ sliders, 50 demo websites and unlimited support available in a theme:

Buyers reaction after installing a $14 WordPress template and reading “The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet. Theme install failed.”

After years of declining sales, author finally gives up…

Ivor said

Checking the queues when suddenly another generic theme appears


LOL :slight_smile: