I've to build a 2 Sites Homepage with wordpress with one access, do you know about a theme or template?


I’ve to build a 2 Sites Homepage with wordpress with one access (example: https://www.aepli.ch/)
Do you know about a wordress theme or template (with links to individual WP-themes) which handles this?

Hi There:
You themes will hard rejected on themeforest because is too basic and you need practice more as prfoessional themes you can see for example other designs on themeforest approved.


You can create a splash page with links to different other pages using just about any theme with a page builder

Bear in mind that if the two sites are using envato themes then each one requires a unique license

We can help you if you need help. Or you can check our themes on WordPress, maybe you like them.

Hi JeriTeam

That was not my question. I haven’t made this page, I was just asking about making a splash page as Charlie4282 mentioned.

Thanks Charlie4282!

a question in addition:
I need to have two WP roots with each a individual theme and a master with the theme which is splashing, right?