Items Hard Rejected why

Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “Ngravity Restaurant System (PHP)” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.
My Demo URL
username : admin
password : admin123
i just want to know what i am doing wrong to avoid in next item

Your item looks clean and I imagine you worked a lot on this project. I think Envato should really give more details and explain why they reject. It’s really a pity they don’t.

I have no idea why it was rejected. We can’t see your code, nor documentation.

  • Be sure to be PSR2 standard compliant
  • Double-check for security vulnerabilities
  • Documentation has to be very clean and complete.

Cheer up and good luck for your funure projects

I got the same replay with this product , makes no sense because the javascript version is on sale and that one was good enough.

Thanks For Your Advice.
Yes it takes 8 month to complishied that item :frowning:
and i really hope they do give some details about why items rejected .

Do you have other ideas on how you can sale your item (another platform or own site)?

Good luck, don’t despair!

We had that same issue :expressionless:

Is there an english version available? Maybe the reviewer was annoyed by the ringing bell - couldn’t find a way to stop that.