Item State error during upload

I also have the same problem. Likewise, on all sites I can upload images in sRGB format but here it seems that, newer, I can’t do that.
It looks like URL REMOVED tricked the Envato guys and took a lot of money just to sell them a lousy file upload system. Much more useful was the old system.
I have hundreds of pictures to upload and I really don’t have the patience to waste my time with this very poor and unprofessional platform.
That’s why I prefer to focus on Adobe Stock where you can really make money.
I also sent a ticket to Support but I didn’t get any response …

I have accounts at different stock agencies. I have been into stock photography for 10 years. Adobe Stock was one of the first ones I started with. But it is the least productive for my style of photography. I stopped uploading photos to Adobe 2 years ago. I think I have 2,000 images and Adobe doesn’t even make $100 a year. In terms of my experience, I say “Thank goodness there is Envato”.

Envato support fixed the problem with my images themselves. I think it was a problem with the site, so it was resolved without me having to deal with it again.

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I see. We definitely have different experiences in terms of sales.
Anyway, with me the problem persists and even now I haven’t received a message from support.

Item state: This asset does not meet these conditions:

The asset subtype should be equal to 3D Zip
The Poly Count field (Envato.ThreeDModel) should be filled
The Themes field (Envato.ThreeDModel) should be filled
The Classification field (Envato.ThreeDModel) should be filled
The Color mode field (Envato) should contain RGB
The Spline Preview field (Envato.ThreeDModel) should be filled
The asset subtype should be equal to Audio Zip
The asset subtype should be equal to Pending Edits
The Pending Description field (Envato) should be filled
The Pending Title field (Envato) should be filled
The Pending Tags number of entries (Envato) should be greater than 0 (‘E12ND000000001678’)

Have you submitted a ticket to help desk? I know they have been rolling out a new uploader, maybe it has to do with that?

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Yes, I mentioned that in both posts.

Sorry stopped reading posts when the conversation switched to which platform you make more money on.

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I removed the URL in your post because I don’t see the connection you referenced between that company and Envato, and furthermore it seems you don’t use the Envato Platform anyway as @MargJohnsonVA has just answered. Bye bye

1 Like - and this is what ?? Is not the Envato Platform ?/?
It’s no wonder that this company is doing worse and worse since it relies on volunteers to respond to important matters. Volunteers who don’t even read a whole sentence.

Hi @Sebastian_Studio - welcome to the Envato Forums :slight_smile:

Which item type are you trying to upload? I’ve moved these posts out of the older Photos thread - from the error that you’re getting, it looks like the system is looking for file attributes that would go with a 3D model.

If you’re uploading photos instead, I’ll check with the team managing our upload systems to find out what’s going on.

Hi Ben,

Thank you for your replay.
It’s about uploading photos.
I received a replay from Envato Help and it seems to be a problem about reading metadata from my jpeg files. I will try to save them in another way in PS.

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Both of us read the whole sentence thank you

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