Item reviewers don't even check the demos and documentation before rejecting


I submitted an item recently and got rejected for no reason. I know it’s not niche software. It’s a web development kit for web developers. I have put a huge amount of effort and time into this item. It took me nearly two years to build it, and I’m not a new author. I have sold software on this platform before, and buyers were very happy.

I already have an item called Appskull on this platform, and buyers were very happy. Please read the reviews. They contacted me directly and asked for a new solution based on the latest CodeIgniter 4. The previous solution was on CodeIgniter 3. So this is the answer to those requests.

The problem is Codecanyon item reviewers don’t even bother to check the demo and documentation at all. I can confirm this because I have added tracking, and it shows that no one has checked.

Please kindly check the demo and the documentation. You can clearly see the amount of effort and attention to detail I have put in.

Can any staff member help me with this?
This is the demo URL:
This is the documentation: MyCiKit Lite documentation
