Item Earnings report Confusion

So the thing is, in my Item Earnings report, I can see some earnings data that I thought wouldn’t appear earlier than the first days of January. As you can see in the image, it shows the period between November 1st and 10th, but the item was published on November 29th.

Could this be a bug in the system, or am I misunderstanding how the report operates?

I’d really appreciate any insights on this :pray:t2: Thanks!

You are misunderstanding the report. The report is correct, and everything is as it should be. I recommend taking a closer look at how income is calculated.

That used to confuse me too. But the earnings dates are tied to when the buyer’s subscription was started not to the date it sold. So…

If you upload an item on Nov 15 and it sells on Nov 18 to someone whose subscription was started on Nov 2, when the earnings are calculated 33 days later, the amount you earned will post in the Nov 2 earnings.

Does that help any?

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Thanks @MargJohnsonVA :pray:t2: That helped a lot! I suspected it was based on the subscription start date under which the item was downloaded, so it’s great to have that confirmed!

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