I have uploaded my first item in Themeforest 2days ago, I would like to delete the item which is Queued for Review, Then fix some issues and Resubmit , Is this possible? Can any one help me with this
unfortunately you will have to let it ride out and just make sure you ready the updated version for when this happens
What happen if i delete queued item, Is this possible to upload the same item again, I have the updated file ready, If i delete the file i can resubmit it as soon as possible. I have read the announcement for some plugins Vulnerability issues product reviews are take some time so i thought reviewer are busy with the Vulnerability fix
I was under the impression there was a delete button next to items in the review queue?
Of course, you can delete the item and re upload a new updated version immediately.
Sorry I must have been confused
So there is no problem with deleting the queued item and resubmit right? Shall i proceed?
Yup you should be fine. I read it as you wanted to edit an existing file in queue rather than remove it and upload a new one.
hi, normally u can, just click delete next to the file on the right side of teh dashboard and tehn fix and resubmit
the problem is that u’ll get back to the beginning of the reveiw process and will have to wait for long …