is this template will be accepted ?

hi, i finished improvement on this template it was rejected five time before … is he will be accepted ? please i need your opinions about it :slight_smile:
preview link

check here, you have to solve error, otherwise rejected

i hope it helps :slight_smile:
Best of luck :thumbsup:

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hi thank you ilmosys thank you for your feedback :slight_smile:
i have fixed html errors … but there is some warnings that i still have …


is it a big deal ?

regards !

Yes you have to solve all error @H-theme

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I just submitted my first WP theme waiting for review. Good luck! Come on together! :slight_smile:

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Best of luck @UIUXLab

thank you @UIUXLab we will … :wink:

ah yes now i understand thank you @ilmosys :slight_smile:

Welcome @H-theme

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Thanks! Hope in progress.

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Won’t be accepted:

  1. typography
  2. Very standard sections layout
  3. padding in some places
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  1. typography

what’s wrong with typography ?
i used “Lato” font with 300 font weight…

  1. Very standard sections layout

any suggestions ?

  1. padding in some places

i used a class named .section-padding to make all the sections have the same padding …

regards :slight_smile:

Typography is much bigger concept.


yes i already know that , but what i don’t understand is what’s wrong with typography in my template ?
i’ll be grateful if i had the answer on that question :slight_smile:

regards :slight_smile:

its almost impossible to say “what is wrong” You must feel that or someone will create Your theme and show You how Your typography can be created better.

  • I agree with @WordicaThemes the typography needs attention throughout

  • There’s inconsistency in section padding and spacing

  • (in my opinion) there is far too much animation. It’s really distracting and feels necessary and like it is there because you know how to code it rather than to serve any purpose

  • There are a few elements which need reconsidering e.g. the buttons on the home section - italics really don’t work

  • Generally speaking you need to consider what you are building here. If it is a resume/CV etc. then focus on relevant sections rather than crowding it with stuff for the sake of adding bits. For example most resumes are not going to have a blog or pricing tables?

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thanks @charlie4282 for your reply this so helpful

regards :slight_smile:

Typography needs lot of attention, Xscroll also appears some time while scrolling. I think its not ready yet for TF.

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thanks @wpcohort i think i really need a designer here :grinning:

from our experience, css animation on scrolling will not pass. It makes the site heavy. As the reviewers mentioned many times before for our projects