Is this an auto-reply mail?


I just uploaded my item to Codecanyon and almost after 1 hour I received an email about rejection. That was my second attempt for this item. But in the first attempt it almost took 1 week to review email and it’s the same email as previous one.

Also comments section is same too:
Your item does not provide the necessary design and code quality for this category. As higher quality items become available in the marketplace, approval requirements will increase to maintain appropriate marketplace quality.While I’d be able to provide feedback as to how to get this approved, I can only do after it has crossed a certain threshold, quality wise. I’m sorry to say this isn’t there yet.

Btw my project is this:

I would like to learn your opinion. Thanks!

Is this a JavaScript form field validator?

Sorry that would be way too basic for the current market. And there are already plenty of free alternatives so it wouldn’t sell very well