is it possible to update my theme with a new purchase of the same theme

Hi. my new client need to update his kallyas theme on wordpress. Problem: the old admin never gave him the purchase documentation. Is it possible to purchase a new copy of the theme in order to have a registration number for the version installed?
Thanks for help!

In theory but probably best to ask the author to be on the safe side esp if any custom changes were made to the first copy that would not be reflected in subsequent updates


Manual update is also an option if you’re going to purchase a new copy.


My client had a 4.18.1 version. Few hours ago I purchased a new Kallyas theme, only to have the purchase code and finally the API KEY.
I was able to register and connect the existing copy and luckily do the updates to the running version (4.19.7) with no problems. Same thigs for the woocommerce plugins. I don’t know if I was lucky or what, but it went well.
Thanks everyone for your support.

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