Is it necessary to have 50$ in my paypal account to start selling my templates in envato?

hi there
I am starting my first selling on Envato and wanted to set my account to payout ! when I wanna set my PayPal account , beneath the PayPal this is written: minimum 50$

what does that mean ?
It means I must have at least 50$ in my PayPal to start selling or … ?!


This mean for making payout to paypal in your envato account minimum amount should $50. In short paypal payout minmum amount $50.


thanks for your reply
but the last question :
so I can start selling even if my PayPal is 0$ … right ?

yes, right. $50 condition for payout. Thanks

Yes! If you want to sell something here, you don’t have to deposit (or pay) anything. You need to wait for the check. Good luck!
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