Investment Template

Am looking for Forex investment template.
Where people come and invest and get auto payment on the time of payment.
Please can I chat with an envato freelancer (removed)
Just like the template of

You can find freelancers on

FYI done properly this will be thousands, if not tens of thousands of and if you are actually handing investment and payments then you will be looking at hundreds if not thousands of a month in security and hosting

Can i just install the template in the root of my website? i dont want to like it to WordPress hosting or Theme.
I just want a zip file I can extract in my file manager that I can extract an install in my site

If you are handling investment and especially transactions or financial payments then it’s not about the format as much as the quality (almost certainly needs to be dedicated and not shared environments) and security that protects that information.

In some countries websites like this need to be regulated which requires serious investment infrastructure like the right hosting and security protection.

The potential implications of something going wrong are very serious

Hi everyone,
I am looking for the best investment templates, so I found only pabrai investment funds template, so anyone can suggest to me it is good or not?
I got this template from dataromas website which is totally based on investment portfolios articles.