Introducing the brand new Wall of Fame

We’ve refreshed the Envato Market Wall of Fame :tada: :trophy:

As some of you may have noticed, we have recently updated the Power Elite Wall of Fame and moved it into the Author Hub.

As well as giving it a long overdue polish and a new updated look, the change also makes it easier for our team to keep this up to date as Authors continue to reach this impressive milestone.

We can also now link to interviews with our Power Elite Authors via their card on the Wall of Fame, so you can get to know the people in our community who have hit the $1 million USD achievement.

Any existing links you have to should redirect to the new site.

Have a look through if you’re in need of some creative inspiration!


Where is the link to the interview posts as you mentioned in the article?

Hi @Mazfrz when you click on ‘view more’ on an Author’s tile it will take you to the interview we have with them (if we have one!). As an example, the tile for @Creativeitem takes you to our interview with them: Meet Our Authors: Creativeitem | Author Hub.


Congratulations to the latest additions to our wall of fame @AltumCode and @wpbingo :trophy: :tada: Welcome to the Power Elite community!


Congratulations to you both! :tada::tada::tada:


Why is some of the interview posts for some of the authors are removed? Even though you had held the interview with them and published them back in time.

Thank you :pray: Glad to be on the wall of fame of Envato / Codecanyon :saluting_face:.


Thank you so much to the evanto community and our customers!
We are so happy to be on the wall of fame :saluting_face:


Hi @Mazfrz, sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Do you know exactly which interviews are missing? A few years ago we migrated the Author Hub content from the old community domain to our new hub domain and some of it may have been lost in the move. If you have specific requests I’m sure I can go digging to find it. Thanks!

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The post, titled “Buzzing Up a Million Sales with Artbees,” was published on the Envato Market blog on March 19, 2015. However, it seems to have been removed, and I can’t locate it on either.

I’ve attached a screenshot of the original post for reference.

@Kristinbrodie Are there any updates? It’s 1.5 months since I posted.

Hey @Mazfrz I’m sorry but I couldn’t find the article you’re looking for. If you want to be profiled, you can fill out this form as an expression of interest.

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I noticed that on the Wall Of Fame | Author Hub, our ClaPat profile isn’t listed.

Here’s our profile link for your reference:

Could you please look into this?

Thank you, and Happy Holidays!

Hi @ClaPat - thanks for letting us know!

Most of my team is on leave for the Christmas/New Year break at the moment - we’ll be doing another Wall of Fame update in early January. I’ll send you a link to our Power Elite interview form too, as that’s what we are currently using to prepare Wall of Fame and Author Hub posts about new Power Elite authors.