Introducing Active Content

@LumenMedia I suggest you stop marking @SpaceStockFootage’s posts as off-topic or spam just because he has an opinion. :slight_smile:

I suggest to be moderators more like moderators and not spammers

Stop using my words outside of context. You shifting focus from ideas of how we may improve our experience to insufficient details, twisting my words and showing bad attitude.

I think you need a time out from the forums to reflect on the Community Terms of Service and understand that you’re not the only one here entitled to an opinion! Take a moment and remember these are forums.

You made a suggestion that you said would stop something from happening. I wanted to know how that would work. You declined to answer several times. You eventually clarified that it would only reduce the instances of something happening… not that it would stop it from happening.

That’s not trying to shift the focus of the discussion and it’s not having a bad attitude. It’s discussing proposed ideas and seeking clarification on how these ideas would work.

Imagine if Enato said “we’re halving your commission as we think it will be better for you”. What are you going to do? I’m assuming you’ll ask “how will it be better?”. And if Envato keep answering you without actually explaining ‘how’, what would you do? You’d probably keep asking how until you get an answer. And do you think Envato would be within their rights to say that you were “shifting focus from Envato’s ideas of how we may improve our experience to insufficient details, twisting our words and showing bad attitude”. You’d be fine with that would you?

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I’ve read through this thread several times and I have to say that I think @LumenMedia has a point about the tone of some of the responses to his original posts.

His original wording may not have been totally clear but it seems to me that he was making a totally legitimate point about the role multiple accounts play in encouraging the proliferation of cloned tracks. I don’t think repeated “how’s” was a particularly constructive way of responding.

I think you need to cut people a bit more slack regarding how precisely they explain things, particularly bearing in mind that for many people English is not their first language. I could tell perfectly well what LumenMedia was trying to say, even if (as you say) what he was suggesting wasn’t going to completely stop cloned tracks.


Okay. Guys. I’m stepping in this thread and recommending you stick to the thread at hand. This conversation is about Active Content, if you consider the need to make a thread regarding Cloned Content, and fighting against it, please do so, but let’s keep this thread on track. Staff are monitoring it and they are gathering feedback. So having this conversation go wildly off-topic won’t help anyone! :slight_smile:

Yeah the moderators are extra spicy in this thread. Seems counterproductive

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Yeah. We’re spicy because everyone is complaining Envato is not listening to them. Well, in this thread, Envato is listening, and everyone is going off topic. That doesn’t seem counterproductive, that is counterproductive.

This being said, I’m going to go ahead and be spicy, and ask one more time to keep this thread on track!

I appologies for misundestanding. This is huge problem for me to express precise details and nuances on foreign language, especially when you need to explain something more complicated than usual, everyday talk. I tried, but fail.


No apologies necessary! I understood perfectly well what you were saying.

I can hardly speak a word In anything other than English and really admire people who can speak and write in more than one language.


I think that some things that are for you for example, for me, are obvious to other people are not entirely understandable. That’s why @SpaceStockFootage tried to find out more deeply in order to more accurately understand how this will work. That’s all, I think the conflict should not be here :slight_smile:

As for my opinion, I fully support some ideas of @LumenMedia and believe that these two topics are interrelated, but not offtopic. Reducing the clones (and some actions that @LumenMedia said, in fact, will actually reduce the amount of clone content) will result in inactive content becoming smaller.


Guys, let’s stick to the topic at hand please! :slight_smile:

so without reading the whole thread…do we have any clear answers? Thanks!

To what questions?

at the beginning of the thread people were asking what Envato is going to do,etc. Are we supposed to remove our own stuff? Thanks

At this stage, you’re just supposed to consider reviewing your portfolio and deciding whether it might be a good idea to remove items that haven’t sold and/or are unlikely to sell in the future. No changes to any processes or procedures, although that might change in the future.

I think removing content that has not been sold after a certain time is basically a good idea. But you cannot handle all items with the same procedure. If a corporate inspiring song has not been sold after 30 days, you might remove it, but looking at more unique genres, for instance jazz music, then it might be normal to have only a few sales per year. Such an item might be removed due to inactivity of 90 days even if the quality is high.

Removing or hiding non-selling items after 1-2 years might be a good idea, but many authors might think then it’s a good idea to make fake sales or to re-upload the same stuff again :slight_smile:

Indeed, duplicate content should be much more in focus of the reviewers. The way that items are released and getting successful at Envato is - for many authors - an invitation to upload many variations of the same item in order to place one at the right time or whatever :slight_smile: I have seen portfolios where the latest 20 items were almost the same.

I can’t think of any good reason to delete an item from my portfolio. Every item has a potential to sell as long as it’s in my portfolio. The least active content may end up at page 364 in the search results, but thats better than not showing up at all.


From the past experience, we can safely say that this discussing leaning in the way “don’t do it because of this and that” is pointless. The plan is set and it’s going to go through eventually.

I would be shocked if I saw a post like: “from the feedback we got, we decided that this is not going to be a direction which we take”

Envato’s decisions are in most cases just like time travel you can go forward but just can’t go back :slight_smile: not in the same timeline :slight_smile:

On a more serious note, we are already slowly deleting items which do not sell and we do not intend to invest into anymore. For this year we already have the plan to remove quite a few more.

However, some points that were made in this discussing are challenging to say the least.

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