Install php setup using MAMP

I dropped the code in htdocs folder of MAMP.

When I run the server it navigated me to

which open into form to fill database and smpt details.

Created a database called prime give the same details there . on click of finish it is giving an error

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) - allDetails.php

Is this a support inquiry relating to an item? You should contact the author of the item directly for help. Go to the item’s page on CodeCanyon and click the “Support” tab right below the item name.

A 500 error in a PHP script (assuming MAMP is configured properly) means the script is encountering an error but you have error reporting disabled. You can enable it in your php.ini (set error_reporting = E_ALL and display_errors = On) to see what the error is.