Important Changes to VideoHive Stock Footage Review

On the other hand, you are more than welcome to annoy me. Unless you’re doing so by breaking the forum rules… at which point you’ll be suspended.

Then stop mentioning their nationality. Simple.

Why do inspectors not follow the rules of acceptance?

Which rule have they not followed?

They accept a lot of files with jerky camera. I am personally saw that many times, and i can prove it.

There’s no need to prove it. I’ve seen clips that I feel are too jerky, and you’ve seen clips that are too jerky. But my point is… how jerky is too jerky, and what metric are you using to measure this.

ok, and what measure inspectors use? Show me where i can see Videohive quality standarts and examples in rules? There is no examples in rules for footages.
In my situation i just compare two files. My file with perfectly smooth camera movement without noise and accepted last couple days files of one of the author with very jerky camera. The reason for the reject is untrue!
For example these files were also accepted on istock. There, the team of inspectors is one of the strongest and most competent.

@FrameStock - for your own sake, just drop it… Forget about it, don’t waste your energy here on forums, you won’t be heard man no matter how right you are… You’ll only do worse by yourself.

Thanks man thanks that you are understand me.

But I’m assuming you’d already read that, otherwise why would you accuse the reviewers of breaking the rules… the rules which you weren’t aware of?

I’d assume those guidelines, their experience, their training, possibly advice from fellow reviewers, and comparisons between previous items they have approved or rejected. I’d be very surprised if there was a stock site out there that uses any different methods.

And what measure have you used to arrive at this conclusion? What metrics have you used to prove this… other than how many files you’ve had approved or rejected? Surely your opinion on their reviewers is subjective, just like any decision made by a reviewer will be, whether that reviewer be from Envato or iStock? The ends do not justify the means… i.e. a subjective review is bad at Envato if your files get rejected, but a subjective review is fine at iStock if it results in approval.

Bottom line… you’re not happy with your reviews. Both the time taken for them to be conducted, and the outcome. That’s fair enough, and it’s understandable. But try and keep emotion out of this and stick to the issue at hand. No need to bring people’s nationality into it… claim people are breaking rules when they haven’t, make comparisons with other sites which aren’t Envato etc etc.

If you’re not happy with the decision then say you’re not happy with the decision, that’s fine… no need for all the ‘noise’ though, for want of a better phrase.

Thank you my friend for this information and for your assistance. You are amazing administrator on this forum.

Thank you Urbazon you opened my eyes on this forum. I do not need this anymore. It’s useless.

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I can only laugh! 19 videos rejected in a few minutes. Videos like this one.

Almost 500 footages got rejected today, all in batch, no review… the new review rule is just… well I do not have any words to desribe it. „Funny” part is they accepted some Full HD files but rejected the 4K version :smiley: I am laughing and crying at the same time… no way this makes any sense.

I’m wondering how many items they actually reviewed in order to decide that the other 500 had to be rejected…:thinking:

Open a support ticket and they will accept smaller/bigger versions of already accepted items, no worries!

This is the most irritating thing, at it is not new. I’ve started experiencing this a few years ago. First they demand us to upload the same (100% identical) clip twice (once for fullHD, once for 4k) if we want to offer buyers the flexibility (when all major agencies do the automatic downscale), then the review inconsistency kicks in and they reject one version while accepting the other…

After almost 8 months of review time, I got a few clips accepted and a few clips rejected. I gotta say again it was for stupid reason, like grain on one of my timelapse shot at ISO 100? What?
It’s hard to understand what’s going on in the reviewers mind right now. The only thing I know is my work is worth more than that. It’s high quality content that I take time to create and got rejected for reason that does not seem valid.

I give up videohive. Maybe that’s what you wanted from the beginning, having authors to stop uploading. Well I am doing it, it’s not worth it to wait almost a year to make $4 off one clip. I think if you are an author that care about your work, you probably should stop uploading here.
I don’t even know why I am writing this here, they don’t even care…


I left this file for the review. During 7 months I crossed Atlantic ocean with yacht, got motorbike license, proposed to my girlfriend (and she said yes) and did much more different things…

But today is the biggest day ever cause review team finally reviewed my items and 8 out of 10 was rejected. :DDD
It doesn’t meet quality standarts for VideoHive :DDD

So I’m gonna skip the part where I would be talking about how good my file is and that reviewers are stupid and Envato doesn’t care anymore and how not fair it is. Fak it!

It was nice to be Elite Author. It was nice to be in Authors top list (31). It was nice to have badges like Trendsetter or Featured Author. I’m community member for more than 4 years but now all those achievements mean nothing to me because now I can’t upload my new work because of Envato itself.

Thanks for a great time and see you…never?


In their new standards they require that the cameraman should be reflected into mirrors and you must be able to see him!
If the cameraman was playing hide&seek and you couldn’t see him…bad job, doesn’t meet quality standards!! haha :joy:

i have only few videos, but of the 12 videos 6 were sold. And these 11 times since may 2017, and now all the videos in the review are rejected.
Aerial views in 4k are probably no longer the quality envato is looking for.
I’m laughing myself to death.
good night envato!

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I’m pretty sure that Envato top managers are not even aware of this issue.
It’s impossible that they don’t do anything about it, everyone who is aware of that and runs a company would do something instead of just watching and do nothing.
Can someone tell to Collis to come to the forums to have a short read? Someone should show him what get accepted and what gets rejected and look at his face!
He’s wasting money paying wrong reviewers and losing even more money because what should be accepted gets rejected and vice versa!

Wtf did I just say? Sorry guys i was kidding, never seen millionaires caring about those who produce content for 8$…:joy:

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