Important Changes for Non-US Authors/Affiliates/Service Providers

well buddy, sometimes more tan this indeed … my for last sales are all coming from uSA … basically if we thing about this , this means i am losing much money with their incredible new introduction and as for their supposed good things that it would bring to all guys, let them show us first and we’ll probably believe in it … why investors hugely like developing markets, that’s because there’s a lot to do unlike what happens with highly developed one … but it seems that here they bet on the other way around …

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Bad news ( Very bad news…

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So now no more 50%? Atleast increase the percentage being paid to authors which will balance things out.


and respect for the other, I have to say and complain that I think a very bad practice envato right now. While it may attract more sales, it affects the majority of authors and worse in countries blocked or no treaty. The only solution I see is to increase commissions exclusivity and non-exclusivity. It is a critical but constructive and formal complaint. I think the market we all do, not only American authors, or elites, etc, much less envato !, but each author and each buyer.

Just to be be clear, here is what I have read
"Hi, we’re going global and you’re life here is going to get more complicated, with less money per widget and more paperwork. Enjoy!

Oh yeah, feel free to pack your bags and go home to mummy if you can’t hack the pace.

Yours sincerely,

The people you make money for!"

Simpols :smile:


I get we have to pay taxes for what we earn, i guess i was inspired enough when i opened a company that is tax exempt(well, almost) in my country but it doesn’t seem fair to pay another 10%(in my case) from already a small amount we’re getting from each sale, envato should have put this expense on top of the checkout price for US authors, that’s the least they could’ve done, but no…why bother. I guess my option is to simply ask the item price increase with 10% to cope with the loss.
I just am afraid to ask what happens next…


yes u are absolutely right , not to mention that sme of us sort of have complex situations and that some of us even have some situations that are not even clear for laws, but they us to do this, do that , we’ll lose a whole lot of time with their paper things and in the end that’s less time to work on our things, and get some sales, please will be taxed badly on them in addition, in other words, we can wander if it’s worth the drive continuing, period …

as for what u said , i guess that i know why payments are so long, because they probably make the cash work until they deliver the money and make even more of it … the same old logics indeed, richer will get richer and poorer will get poorer …



I think it is the time to find alternate market or open my very own shop now

Because of this change exclusive author’s revenue changed into non-exclusive 50% + 30%


well these increasing sales, they are dreaming of them but are they really going to come true and even if they do are they going to compensate for the lost that we have in the first place anyway … well i assume that’s all about business to make more money for the same …


Or should allow authors to put their own cost to their items.


I do not understand, because I must pay the tax to be paid by the consumer of a product? it’s a bit crazy


“I’m an individual, not a US person and have no Tax ID Number”

Guess that’s it for me, bye bye envato… :unamused:

I mean for real?! Now I need an accountants, tax consultants, give personal information to the US, etc etc… What for? The $100 I make every 2 months? That’s all laughable.

I don’t remember where it is/was written but I read once that the envato market is meant to be making some small money, we should not be mistaken seeing this market as a full time job. That’s something that only some individuals are doing there. Of course it was not written like that, but it’s the message.

And now since one year we all get treated like big companies or businesses? Tax tax tax, laws, bla bla. Come on…

Honestly what happened to the envato from before 2015? “You do the design, we do the rest” :confused:


Interesting you charge vat to buyers but us buyers get off the hook. Or am I missing something?

As I checked we will only get hit 5% but overall this is sad. About the split payments collis did mentioned that to me a while a go.

I predict smaller authors will shut down. Less competition more sales in the beginning but also lessd items and less choice eventually authors will migrate and so will clients. We already have far less sales and visits after vat. This could hit the final nail.


First support system, next tax changes… Happy 2016 guys!!! :joy:


envato please tell me how this changes are going to benefit WE AUTHORS the pillars of envato?

So now i will be getting less percentage, provide free support for 6 months, pay tax to some other country when i am already paying tax in my own country.

So end of the day i get paid nothing for all the hard work i put in making the themes?

Give a reason to stay envato?


You would be staying if you are elite author since they can hire accountants, tax consultants and paying 30% off 10,000 USD/day or even a month is still nothing compared to paying 30% of 100USD and dealing with constant tax additions…

Envato taking US market with motto: go big or go home…


it is better to provide a option for author’s to set selling center :

selling center: Australia and US.

US author’s choose US center, Rest will choose the “Aus” what we have now.


I think there are reasons! First thought: There are too many authors, but not all are needed here.
I don’t know, think like company not as author. Maybe envato don’t need authors with sales <500 each month.
I don’t know, just thoughts…


Very likely :smile: