Important Changes for Non-US Authors/Affiliates/Service Providers

@collis @natman

After i read more than 1000 replies, I think Envato should help authors a little bit … How?? I understood from other replies there’re no Tax issues meet {US, Canada and UK} authors but their issues about withdraw their money in partnership case, BUT the most comments are about (non-US has no Foreign Tax ID) - There’s a large segment of people have this issue.

Of course i read the last article written by {natman} … But i’m still confused like others, because … I’m a (non-US, Nonresident Alien), I think the ITIN application (W-7) is suitable for me BUT it requests the Foreign Tax ID that i don’t have in my country like most people in other non-US countries (different systems from country to another) … so some people in forums told me to let it blank and send it (how about that!!? i think Envato Tax Advisor could explain).

Otherwise the EIN application (SS4) has a table in the last page has some cases my case is (If the applicant … is a foreign person needing an EIN to comply with IRS withholding regulations) so i should complete some fields not all and i don’t understand some fields like {Legal Name} is that mean my Nickname in Envato (Serpentsoft) and {Executor} mean my (real name)?? and some other fields i don’t understand very well like (County and state where principal business is located and Name of responsible party) … so i think the Envato Tax Advisors should help us and make some form examples for the most cases you see in replies and view it as pdf files online like (field 7b … enter xxx, etc.).

Another thing, You must provide the methods to get the ITIN or EIN like (by Fax, by Mail) and provide the numbers or mail address with expected duration to get it … it’ll make it easier for most people confused and don’t know what can they do.

I understand that you can say (Talk to a tax advisor or accountant in your country), i say there’re some cases need an international tax advisor to understand the IRS and the Double Taxation issues over countries while Envato Tax Advisor can exaplain some fields in (ITIN or EIN) applications for (non-US has no Foreign Tax ID) people and make it easier.

Finally, I’m happy for this step because it’ll help us to avoid the double taxation or decrease the taxes for U.S. buyers and may increase our sales like you said, but any new decision must meet some troubles but we can help each other to solve and facilitate obstacles we’ll face.

Regards, Hady (@Serpentsoft).