I'm confused about the `Trending' criteria

I happened by chance to notice I have a trending item. https://audiojungle.net/item/inspiring-hybrid-soundtrack/23495748
However, this item has zero sales. It also has not had ONE pageview in all of July. Prior to that it achieved miniscule pageviews, maybe 5 per month. What could be the explanation? (Also, it’s possible that the trending icon will disappear sometime soon, but believe me at the time of writing it is most definitely there).

Interestingly, I also have this trending item: https://audiojungle.net/item/upbeat-emotional-pop-rock/22530677
However I think there is good reason for it this time… despite only a handful of sales since it was released, last week it got 5 or 6 sales unexpectedly so I think it makes sense.

One of the great mysteries of the jungle…

totally agree