Iframe, not letting my customers to check the demo version.

Found the reason.

Starting with Chrome 85 (and probably the rest of the browsers will follow suit, Opera already did), browsers will automatically block all cookies that request SameSite=None on insecure cookies: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2020/07/chrome-85-deps-rems#reject_insecure_samesitenone_cookies

For those wondering, the fix requires all cookies that have SameSite attribute set to None, to also be available only on Secure connections (HTTPS).

@rosssimpson - perhaps it’s time for Envato to consider a javascript based header/frame/floating thing (with a “Buy now” button or something), rather than an iframe. The restrictions around loading websites in iframes are becoming tighter and tighter and I wouldn’t be surprised if in the future, they’ll completely drop the support for it.