If you do not use Element Pro, will you not get the feature of Pro Widget?

I created a template kit using Elementer Pro. Now my question is, when a client uses this template, is it mandatory to use Elementer Pro?
If you do not use Element Pro, will you not get the feature of Pro Widget?

According to WordPress Template Kit Requirements:

  • A Template Kit must be created with Elementor and/or Elementor Pro

But customer must be free to use any of the Elementor and/or Elementor Pro. Elementor is required but Elementor Pro should not mandatory.


If you require Elementor pro for your kit, it will be a requirement for the kit to be installed and the user will be prompted. This is also clear in your item description that Pro is required.

There are several benefits of choosing to use Pro for your kit vs 3rd party plugins:

  1. full support from Elementor
  2. better guarantee your item will continue to work for a long time as pro is professionally maintained pugin
  3. wide variety of features in one plugin
  4. guaranteed compatibility with future elementor versions.
  5. eligibility for elementor certification.