I want to know which HTML Template license needs to be purchased

We need to use a theme from ThemeForest for our product. Usually our product is an in house deployable product which will be distributed to each and every customer installed at their infrastructure. We charge each of our customers for every install. I am not sure which license we will have to go for, Extended License is something looks adequate but I am not sure about it.

I have dropped my query to the envato support but there is no followup other than intimation email.

EDIT: I have gone through few more articles and license terms and now I think I will have to use Regular license for each customer we deploy our solution to, please correct me if its the case. When I say customer its basically one department or company who will be using our product in their intranet or on internet on their domain.

A new regular license for every customer.

There are no multi use licenses available on Envato.

Thank you @charlie4282 for the response. I do have few more questions to proceed with

  1. For the development we will be using one single license as a team for integrating theme in our product.
  2. We have Demonstration machines for demonstrating our product to our end customers, we can use our single regular license for this too ?

For both the points above we can use a single regular license ?

Only if it’s a single installation.

If there’s multiple demonstration installations then you will need more licenses

@charlie4282 got the point, what about development machines ? Where it will be used for development only.

You will struggle to complete the installation such as plugins etc regardless of live or dev setups

Depending on the theme it should be fine to have one dev and one live version but beyond that you are likely to hit a roadblock with installing plugins or activating the theme

Oh Sorry, I apologize for my confusion. This whole time I was talking about HTML template rather than Theme. Mostly I am planning to use Mofi Template.

I have edited my question for better context for future updates on this post.

Same rules apply / one “end product” or license per installation regardless of it being a test site or a live one.

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