I want to know how to add a few more scenes to my template

I downloaded a video template - Photo Slideshow

By Grand-Motion

I would like to know how to add just 2 more scenes to the end. I have copy and pasted prior scenes but they are exact duplicate of course, including names in entire scene. How do I make the photo frames new comps and change names and linking.

Any help would be appreciated.
I have done this before, but it has been a long time, and I can’t remember how.
Thank you,

As the item is not supported by the author at Elements, you can purchase a copy from Marketplace and ask for the author for the support.

what is the link to Marketplace, it wants to keep sending me to fb marketplace pages?

This is it on the main marketpalces Photo Slideshow, After Effects Project Files | VideoHive

That said you would want to check that the author would help edit it as they are not obligated to help customise items. You can ask them on item comments Discussion on Photo Slideshow | VideoHive

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