I want to have a brief comment about my issues in the business card design

Hi, I am eager to know about the missing of my business card design


hi , i think that there are many issues that u may consider …

1- main shape
sorry to say just this but hard to identify what it is standing for … the problem is that in your creation , as such, this is a central shape and that may not be “generic” a shape enough for anybody to identify with it activity or business wise

2- typo
there is a lack of harmony especially in terms of spacing between letters between the name and function and, apart from having the name “choking” , as such, there is another consequence, see n3 point

3- hierarchy of information
the function is more outstanding than the name , when it should be the other way around …

4- comas and so on …
in the address, it just does not look like super professional as there are no spaces where u should have some … think about the fact that all details matter …

5- repetition
i think that having the very same picture in both side is just redundant as well as it brings nothing new to the table …

6- too empty logo side
with so very little things in this side , in my view this is not need to have a 2-sided

7- icons
they are too simple indeed or not outstanding enough, u may need to value them more

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