I think Envato Should do it too!

The other stock site requires an ID verification before you can upload your items, Why not make it here?
Less “shady” people on a good platform like Envato. :slight_smile:

hi but what would it change anyway? this is not much of a big deal, besides, envato’s success has been also somehow someway built on ding the other around that the main rivals do, that is to say accepting all people and letting them sign up without any “selection” in the first place … (which has pros and cons …)

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I see your points, but as well as I see a lot of people uploading other peoples music in hopes to make a quick buck.

We would never have jointed the Envato forces if we were required to submit private information, such as a drivers license, to prove our being who we are. Identity fraud and stealing is huge online. It’d scare half the potential authors away and unfortunately, likely a few those ‘shady’ people who still bring profit and benefit.

Envato is the leading company in this market, I believe they’ve done a fairly good job at it :slightly_smiling:

i understand what u mean but those who come to make big quick bucks, they normally do not stay for long as a lot of them quickly realize that there is no get-rich-quick in any of these marketplaces , unless u are a 7styles-like genius … the only problem is that the concerned guy is a huge exception, when most of the guys are making small money or pocket money … so they are far away from being rich

Why not? Do you have something to hide? If you work in “real life” you have to submit it :slight_smile: Business is business.

There is absolutely nothing to hide, nor was that my intent with my comment.

The fact is, identity theft is a major thing and common, very common online.

I don’t mind proving who I am, but there are alternative, less perilous ways of doing that.

For example, I’d be more than happy to pay the fees associated with visiting a notary.

Or for that matter, an attorney who can provide the documentation and validation.

Though sharing my ID online, is not something I have interest in doing - not worth it.

I’m an open book and run a very transparent company, but private things like that remain private.

Good points good points :slight_smile:

what ever… at the end the money will go to your bank, paypal or skrill and there you will have a verified account, so all fine, isn’t it?

I think verification is important. I do agree with all of this.

Though there are times when it becomes inconvenient and risky.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of dishonest people out there.

for me u forgot about mentioning something , for many guys the whole thing has been a big deal because of a lack of proficiency in english, too and even for those who felt more comfortable that’s sometimes very difficult to get to know what to do and how when something is not written in your native tongue, especially when it come to paperworks with are always kind of much of imbroglio indeed