Good evening, I purchased QuickVcard, I have a problem, the script does not work correctly, I asked for assistance but they do not answer me. What should I do? Should I ask for a refund? Or can you give me assistance? Waiting, best regards
It depends on when you bought the item, and when you asked for assistance. And what type of assistance you are expecting?
If you mean you asked yesterday, and no-one has responded today, then it is a weekend and they might be off
Hi, I also have this same issue but am unable to create a new post to explain, how do I create a new post, the option is greyed out
Hi, I purchased on 01/08/2025 and the script was installed on day 10, the time to transfer the domain. I installed it and it doesn’t work properly, it doesn’t record scans and the banners are not configurable, I can’t create them and neither can I remove the banner text shapes from the home page. I wrote to support on 14/01/2025 and described the problem but they still haven’t answered me. What should I do?
Assuming that you are talking about this item: Quick vCard Pro - SaaS Digital Business Card Maker - Laravel CMS by bylancer there are a few considerations.
The item has a near perfect review score. If there was basic issues then this would be unlikely.
When you contacted support, that was here on their support site? Bylancer
@bylancer is replying very fast to item comments so worst case you could try there.
The item says support can take 5 working days. If you submitted the request ton the 14th then 5 working days after would be tomorrow (20th).
Ok, I hope they can fix the problem for me today. Thanks
I purchased a Grupoo chat for my Menu (link removed) Website, but the support period has ended, and now they’re asking for additional charges to provide further support. What should I do?
It depends what the issue is - if it’s something that requires support then you will need to renew this.
You would not need this to for example access the latest copy of the item