I no found the Upload link

I want to sell my products in codecanyon.net, but i no found the “upload link”
Anybody can help me?


If you go to your “Dashboard” page, you should see a section on the right side column at the top that allows you to choose the section you want to submit to, then click the button and you’ll be brought to the page where you set up your item for submission.

I’m not sure how it works anymore, but you might have to sign up to be an author first. When I joined you had to take a test and get a near perfect score to be an author, but I’m not sure if that’s still a thing.

There should be a link at the very top of the page on the marketplace that says “Start Selling” which tells you everything you need to know and gives you tips on how to be successful.

Yes, please use this link: https://author.envato.com/join

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I was see that link before, but it only show me this:

the link of that screenshot, is: https://help.author.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000472343-Selecting-a-price-on-an-Author-Driven-Pricing-category?_ga=2.56147819.1399666413.1538657987-435107827.1538657987
that not show me nothing more. Isn’t an information for become a be an author and upload a product

In the screen shown in your screenshot, just click the “Take me to my dashboard” button and then, in the Author Dashboard, in the right sidebar, you’ll see the upload section:


i also search for this too, thanks mate