I need your feedback for a template

Hi guys! I need to know your opinion about my template and give feedback.

http://cathemes.com/templates/Falv/ here is template.

Review Team message for this template is:

Unfortunately your submission Falv - Creative HTML5 Template isn’t ready for ThemeForest and cannot be resubmitted as it did not meet our minimum requirements for quality and/or Envato Market policies. In order for submissions to be considered for sale they must be of high aesthetic and technical quality, unique to our library and cannot be in violation of Envato’s policies.

Regrettably the Help and Quality Teams are unable to offer a critique or feedback on your rejected submission.


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Great template,I liked it,only it is necessary on the subject of his lay.

Make sure your code validates properly.

It feels a little close to a reworked version of another author on here but with all due respect by far your biggest issue is fundamentals especially consistency, typography and padding/spacing

Beyond those there are attention to detailing which needs work e.g. footer could be better, portfolio has no light-box or details, there is not really anything unique in the file that’s not about in loads of others for sale already

great project

Thank you Charlie for your feedback.

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