I lost the licensing key


I have purchased a WP theme around June and I have the zip file for that. However, I can’t find the email sent by the theme forest including the license key. Apparently, I check out as a guest. I wonder how I can prove the purchase and get the emails again.


For Envato License Key.
Login your Envato Account Click Your Statement Tab http://prntscr.com/q6fje8 or http://prntscr.com/q6fj5i
There you will find your purchase item Invoice Details.

For Purchase Key Follow This Link:

Hope helped!

I purchased Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin in in May 2020. I have deleted the e-mail with the license number by mistake. Beside the item there is no " You may still download your License certificate & purchase code for this item and in the statements there is this license still not shown.
How can I get it?
Thanks in advance

Actually, @da-whitestone, please disregard my last post, I mixed up your post and OP’s.

Head over to your downloads by clicking here: https://codecanyon.net/downloads

Look for the item in question (Slider Revolution), and click the green “Download” button. If you only need the purchase code, then click on the option that says “License certificate & purchase code (text)” - it will download your license file. Somewhere in that file, it will list the “item purchase code.”

Thanks for your answer, but as I mentioned above the sentence “License certificate & purchase code” is not shown under the download button

Can you take a screenshot or list the options that you do see? It should always be there:


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Thank´s for your help, it works in safari and on on my mac not in chrome, I don’t know why.

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