I just Bought themeforest lista newsletter

Hello i just bought Theme forest lista newsletter April ago go and for the life of me i’m trying to install the templates on to Mail chimp any suggestions ?

There will be item documentation which will explain this process

Thanks for Replying back… I have checked through lista-html-package flie continent and clicked on the Help Folder and read through the explorer page that give little Details on how to Actually install it.
Their is Codes and scripts that i really don’t Understand and need help with Step by Step.

How to contact an author to get support or for any technical query:


If it’s this file https://themeforest.net/item/lista-newsletter-form-landing-page/233986 then that is almost a decade old and over 5 years since the last update.

You might be able to import the basic HTML to MC but then you would have to edit code rather than using MC’s visual editor.

The item has a MC ready version (so you can edit with the visual/easily to use editor) but there has been a lot of changes to MC in the past 5 years so it would be interesting to see if it still works. https://mailchimp.com/help/import-a-custom-html-template/