Humbuckers for a Les Paul Custom.

I´m thinking about to change my old humbuckers for some new ones.

My idea is (Seymour Duncan) SH-4 for the bridge and SH-2 for the neck.
I´m searching for a jazzy sustain sound but with some punch when needed.
I would like to know if anybody got any other idea.

Thanks in advance

Mmmmmm Maybe everybody here prefer Stratos… :joy:


all guitarists are looking for their sound… many, many years … but here basically - users vst. Who do you ask? :усмешка: радость:ROFL:

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I supposed that, but i wanted to try if somebody could give me some ideas, just to know.
I´m thinking i´m going to spend that money to buy vst too, maybe firebird palm mute guitar… :rofl:



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I would be happy to suggest … but I use a Fender… and in general my main specialization is keyboard, then - drums, and then the guitar… but if you do not find the answer to your question - I have a lot of very smart and successful guitarists, I think they will be able to tell

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if no one prompts for a day - one and a half (we have Sunday, I’m uncomfortable distracting my smart guitarists :slight_smile: ), I’ll ask them for realistic opinions and models for solving

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Hey! Thank you so much! But dont worry about it.
I asked because i like to know different opinions and maybe find somebody with more knowledge.


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Hello. I ve never had Gibson but I used SH4 and SH2 pickups in my 7 string Mayones guitar and now I have SH4 in my old Yamaha pacifica. Great pickups, nice output, cool liquid tones in neck position, and SH4 sounds awesome splited.

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Hello -
My son is a luthier and repairs guitars, he passed this onto me:
Jazz and JB are a classic set of pickup upgrades, widely available and affordable. If using those, you can wire to a push/pull pot for single coil tones similar to a Fender for more variety. On their own, nice and round sounding, smooth in the neck and not shrill in the bridge.
Also check out the Lollar Imperial pickups. A little more costly, but some of the best pickups around these days.


Really thank you both.
Reading you i think i am right with my choice.

Lollars is out of my budget right now, unfortunately.



V S T :joy::rofl::sweat_smile:

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@Manriquedelara I’m in the same process as you trying to decide on some new pickups for my Les Paul. I’ve heard some really great things about the Seymour Duncan Antiquities (again not cheap!)… they sound pretty great in the clips I’ve heard.

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Who could… about Antiquities…
No sales, no expensive humbuckers… :joy::rofl:

I´m going to buy sh2 & 4 because i found them with a very good price, shipping included.

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