HTML5 template got hard rejected

Hello everyone,

We are looking for some feedback from the experienced authors to have some clues about the reason(s) why our template got hard rejected.

Please take a look at it here:

We think it is because we included our URL in the footer of the HTMLs in the main file and maybe because the reviewer considered it in the wrong category ( We have put it in Sites templates > Portfolio ).

Does HTML files validation issues results directly to hard rejection ?

Many thanks for any feedback

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The link for template demo is not working.

Please check again, thank you

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Hi There,

We found multiple issues:

  1. Needs improvement in design standard.
  2. Need to resolve alignment and spacing issues.
  3. Need to improve the sizing of the fonts.
  4. Multiple links/buttons were found non working.
  5. Use clean images to display into Grid view to Improve the attractiveness of layout.

Hope our reviews will be helpful to you. Happy templating!


Hi Thememakker,

Thank you very much for your helpful comments.

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I have see your item. You have done a big job that’s true.
You need to improve your item design quality, typography, hierarchy etc.

Need to improve design & typography =
Design, typography & hierarchy =
design improvement =,
Common design & typography =
Its under hierarchy =
typography isn’t looking good =
need to improve this design also = not looking professional.
need to improve typography =


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Hi Unlockdesign,

Many thanks for your help, we will make sure to fix those issues.