HTML Theme Hard Rejected.Why?

I try the first HTML Theme insert here. But my simple login page take “quality standard required”.I want to learn why? This is my demo link:
Please help me how accept my first theme in ThemeForest?

Far too simple - with respect this wouldn’t get approved as just a login form (codecanyon) without a lot more features, premium value and options/versatility

To be honest, the design is incredibly pretty, but you definitely need to have something after the login page, not just a simple login page… it’s just too little.

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Such type of form you should to submit in codecanyon instead themeforest. Also you have to add more premium features. Your form is so simple without any premium features. You have displayed login with Facebook, Google, Linkedin but none of these are functional. You can study on exist such type of item in codecanyon to know the quality standard. Good luck

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Thanks for a lot of information.I try to do your advice.

Thanks. What is premium value?

Features, functionality, layouts, options like their form fields - all the stuff listed by @Enabled and @mgscoder