How was this guide built?


do any of you have an idea how the guide on the following page was realized?

Thank you

It looks like a custom implementation but it’s basically using a multi- page/step/part (the definition varies between plugins), with conditional or logic outcomes, and where they have added the cards as a creative way of displaying the options.

If you Google this then you should be able to find examples (the creative cards may require some custom work) using Gravity, Ninja or one of the other big form plugins

Hi, and thank you charlie… it’s working out wonderfully so far. If you’re interested, you can see it here:

I can only see it on a phone right now - what method/plugin did you use?

Hi, thank you for your interesst… its gravity forms + jetsloth image choice + a little bit custom CSS (flexbox etc.)

It looks great!

Gravity is a great choice and easy to work with. The other similar plugins are all good but several rely on ‘add-ons’ where Gravity keeps things in one place.

Good luck with it