How to validate HTML markup locally?

Hi All,

While working HTML pages on locally hosted site I want to check if my html markup is valid. What is the best way to do it?
I understand that I can upload to a server and use w3c’s service to validate but that take a lot of time and I don’t want to validate it after finishing. I want to validate the markup while coding.

I searched for firefox addons and installed the html-validator, but that doesn’t show the correct validation results. Is there any other better one?


Hi! There is an add-on for firefox called Web developer. it install a toolbar, from that you have to select Tools->Validate local HTML

I use HTML validator and it works for me.

Once the code is finished then I copy and paste it into the w3c code to give it a quick check.

dexterous said

Hi All,

While working HTML pages on locally hosted site I want to check if my html markup is valid. What is the best way to do it?
I understand that I can upload to a server and use w3c’s service to validate but that take a lot of time and I don’t want to validate it after finishing. I want to validate the markup while coding.

I searched for firefox addons and installed the html-validator, but that doesn’t show the correct validation results. Is there any other better one?


The w3c validator has an option to paste code into a text box or upload a file.

fillerspace said

The w3c validator has an option to paste code into a text box or upload a file.

with mozilla web-developer toolbar you can validate local HTML and CSS from the browser. Also there is a google chrome extension that can also validate local HTML

Thank you all. I have installed web-developer for firefox.

One I use is and I have the Algorithm set to SGML Parser

There’s a Chrome version of Web Developer as well

How can validate wordpress theme?

I use grunt task to validate html is tricky to learn modern workflow but once after you start you will be addicted :slight_smile: