How to spend Envato Studio coupon code with Elite Pack?

I got elite pack and there have a Envato Studio coupon code to use. But there it say I can not able to use it for Custom Job. But in envato studio with out custom job how can I use it ? because envato studio for custom job only. Any advice where I can use the code?


Congrats with your elite package ! I think what envato means with custom job is a custom enquiry, take as example this is “job” that Unipen offers you will be able to use your voucher on that page but Unipen also has a custom job section here and I think that you won’t be able to use the voucher there.

Please note that I am not 100% sure about this but it is just what I think Envato meant.

I hope this will help you out :smiley:

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Hey @ThemeRox

Thanks for the question. @Proxibolt is correct. You can use this coupon for any service listing on Envato Studio, but not for those custom jobs requested via. an enquiry. The reason for this is that we haven’t quite implemented coupons in the custom flow just yet.

Anything else, please let me know!

Thank you very much Proxibolt and matmubuggy.