How to Put/Send Data to CSS or JS File from WordPress Dashboard

OK I have one theme options panel in my WP dashboard.

Now from this admin section I want to save data in CSS and JS file.

Let say I have a slider options whose slide timings are coming from its JS file. Now from the WP dashboard I want to edit and save time (say 3sec) in the JS file…

Can anybody please give me a direction or a idea on how to achieve it. I am not asking for a full tutorial but a direction or some concepts.

Thank you

any one… ?

It is a bad idea to save into theme files, and there is no real need to do it. If you need to add some JS/CSS that depends on settings, you should embed it into HTML.

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This is could be done by many and many ways, Will give you some ideas on how that could be done:

lets start with the js data:
1- you could use the wordpress function wp_localize_script this function adds a global variable in your footer or your header and then in your js file you could use this for it and you will see many tutorials.

2- you can save your js data using normal html attributes for example in your wp dashboard you have a custom option to change slider time i will call this option my_slider_time and of course you have a custom html div for your slider in that div add html5 attribute in this way <div class="slider-holder" data-slider-time="<? echo my_slider_time ?>">
now in your js file get this attribute by using the jquery function data example: $( "div.slider-holder" ).data( "slider-time" )

for the css data read my comment on this post:

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