How to prevent columns appearing offscreen on mobile in Betheme?

I have a betheme website at which works alright. Except for the FOUR LOWER buttom symbols on mobile.

When you press either of these four buttons: Gjesteparkering, Juridisk Informasjon, Porttelefon or Garasjeplass, the pop up loads under the bottom of the screen on pretty much all mobile phones. Both Android and IOS.

The settings for these are identical, and I see no place to controll the position of these pop ups. What to do?

These are the ones not working

Somewhere there’s a setting of ‘top: 95%’ being applied to the popup. Screenshot_1

If I remove it the popup works fine. Find out where it’s coming from and remove it.

I can also help you do it. You can send me a message here

What popup are you talking about?

This one.

Where is that code? Any way I can edit it in the theme settings? Will it have any ramifcations on destop?

Right now I don’t know. That is all I could make out without having access to the admin panel. Message me here, I will look into the issue and let you know.

Anyone who knows how to do this without CSS?
Theres a label setting for these fields where you can set them to appear “above” - but its not doing anything.

Where can I controll the position of these pop ups properly?

Anyone who can tell me how this menu should be built ideally?
Its fairly common to websites now. Icons and a pop up.

Now it is made with an Icon Box for the symbol, which is linked to a hidden column. Which is a whole separate element.