How to output subtitle in AVOC (child-)theme

Dear community,

I’m using the great theme AVOC. When creating a new portfolio page it is possible to set a subtitle.
I want to output the subtitle in the portfolio-overview.

On the Single-Portfolio-Page the subtitle is outputted that way:

if (!$mainSize) { $mainSize = 'h1'; }
if (!$subSize) { $subSize = 'h5'; }
$titleArrangement = get_post_meta($theId, $sr_prefix.'_titlearrangement', true);
$titleWrite = '';
if (isset($pagesub) && $titleArrangement !== 'main') { $titleWrite .= '<'.$subSize.' class="alttitle">'.$pagesub.'</'.$subSize.'>'; }
$titleWrite .= '<'.$mainSize.'><strong>'.$pagetitle.'</strong></'.$mainSize.'>';
if (isset($pagesub) && $titleArrangement == 'main') { $titleWrite .= '<'.$subSize.' class="alttitle">'.$pagesub.'</'.$subSize.'>'; }

This Line shows both – title and subtitle:
<?php if ($titleWrite && $titleWrite !== '') { echo $titleWrite; } ?>

I want to show only the subtitle in the portfolio-overview but don’t know how to do it.
Can someone help me with this?

Best Stefan

you can contact me at or skype at pradeep.narava