Hello everyone,
i’m a newbie in the community. i have submitted 5 logos to sell in the marketplace but all are rejected. does anyone know how to meet the quality standard here? please assist me on what went wrong because i’m new and need advice. thank you.
Not clearly for what reason rejected. Beautiful logo. I like.
But then I saw … a glass and “WINE” is not exactly
thanks for the help, i will learn more about this.
Welcome to the rejection club. I have submitted numerous logos, and all were rejected without providing useful information on how to improve.
I am still in search for this so called “quality standard”. Let me know when you find out.
As for your logo, try to create something that has meaning and useful to customers. Also use known and quality fonts. When you submit your logo, make sure its in the right category. Write your description using envatitor 1.5 (serach google).
Make sure your typography matches the style of the design as well as the mood (right color and right size)
Good luck buddy
Hi all, Thank you for the advice. I try to submit new design. Hope this one
Hi, though I tend to sell videos, I’ve also never got it what the reasons for rejection actually are. And I aslo consider your logo very good and original! Don’t give up! I’ve got my first video approved only after 1 year of trying
the wine in the glass is awful and so is the big (caps) ugly font. not sure why some say great logo. its very poor IMO