How to make multi select box with wordpress in youzer community

Am using youzer community plugin. There i added customization for some extra fields. Its like $Yz_Settings->get_field(
‘title’ => __(‘title’, ‘youzer’),
‘id’ => ‘wg_about_me_title’,
‘desc’ => __(‘type your full name’, ‘youzer’),
‘type’ => ‘text’
), true

Like this way, how to create multi selectbox with custom option. i tried with options, type =>select mutitype=>true, but not workng for me. if anybody knows, please help me to solve this.

Why you dont contact directly Youzer developer? This si public forum , not support for plugins and templates,

Envato Studio is a freelancer platform. I would like to recommend one of the Websites & Programming experts at Envato Studio. They’re really good and surprisingly affordable.

Already checked with them, they told this is additional customization, so they can’t help