How to Join two after effects projects and how to export two project in one file

felt_tips said

Best is a relative term. It depends if you mean best for desktop playback or the objective best color and detail reproduction there is… Best can mean optimal too.

But if you want best quality as in best color reproduction and highest fidelity to the original, then render to a tiff sequence using 16bit or 32 bit mode. This will produce files that are not only lossless, but that have a color depth of 16 bit. (unlike a Quicktime movie with a bit depth of 8 max). This is not usually necessary, but if you are dealing with very smooth digitally generated gradients, then it can make the difference between banding and no banding.

Note that on most screens it’s hard to even perceive the advantages offered by 16bit as most screens work at a bit depth of 8 bit.

I haven’t actually checked the following too thoroughly, but if you render to a dpx sequence using 32 bit, you quite possibly get an image with a color depth of 32 bit.

Apart from that, Shyamalborsaika, it sounds like you could do with some beginner tutorials. Have you checked out and

Ofcourse, I agree 100%. I was thinking from my situation, when I render tiff sequence for example and want mov output, I render quicktime movie (animation), I (as far as my eye can see) get the same result as tiff.

Yeah… it’s pretty rare that there’s a noticeable difference between 16 and 8 bit per channel color.

At the end of the day, a huge majority of devices are 8 bit anyway. There’s only a few situations that I can think of where there might be better color depth. Well…one actually… printing to film for cinema release. (digital cinema formats are probably higher than 8 bit too… and I’m not talking about digital home cinema here).

On the other hand though, if an image is going to be heavily worked on or have a heavy color correction applied to it, then using a 16 bit format in the intermediate steps is sometimes an advantage, even if the end product is going to be 8 bit… think prerendered lens flares that sit over an image, for instance.

Hi, I as well am trying to merge two AE files together. I did the import as suggested but i just get two project files in my new project. I dont have a composition and i cant render.
Im trying to take a 13 second video and add on a 30 second AE project for a total of 43 second video.
When i do a import of anything including a MOV file it just includes it into the project and doesent actually extend the timeline to include the new movie.
Any help would be appreciated.

what about rendering the project separately and then reimport those videos and render the complete video?

doru said

what about rendering the project separately and then reimport those videos and render the complete video?

When i import additional file they just go ontop of each other, They dont go back to back or extend the timeline.

tpaolillo said
doru said

what about rendering the project separately and then reimport those videos and render the complete video?

When i import additional file they just go ontop of each other, They dont go back to back or extend the timeline.

you need to extend the time of the composition where you placed those two files, then you need to move one of those layers till it gets to the point in time that you need it to be.

Is hard to use after effects without a basic knowledge of how the timeline works in this software. I suggest to search on google or better on youtube some video tutorials about basic operations inside after effects. You can also try one of those paid courses like those from lynda,com or vtc.

I think the confusion come from the fact that after effects will not automatically increase the duration of the timeline if you just drag some layers inside a composition like some other softwares may do. This because after effects is not primarily an editing (montage) software.

This template looks perfect - unique, slick and well designed. Congratulations! It’s not easy to find digital display templates.

I’m curious if you provide instructions on how to combine the various aep files together into one composition. I’ve not had to do that before.

Also, do you provide instruction how to create additional pages based on a template, e.g. additional Features page, etc.

Many thanks!