How to get more sales for your upcoming item. ThemeForest statistical overview. Part #3

Dear colleagues! In today’s ThemeForest statistical review Stattie team will try to reveal some tips and tricks on one of the most important things for every author - sales.
It’s obvious that all of us want our work to be appreciated by the buyers. Designers, UX specialists, developers and other experts involved need a lot of time to deliver an item that will be popular among buyers.

Read out newest report - Author driven pricing on Themeforest

The popularity of Envato is growing rapidly among web content developers and that means that competition rate on ThemeForest is growing too. Dozens of items are uploaded daily and not so many of them can generate decent income for their authors.

Read this and other articles in Stattie blog

That is why we prepared some tips just for you with a statistical proofs on what sells and how it sells on ThemeForest.
For this article we looked closely on Wordpress themes with Education concept for November 2016. During November sales on both Themeforest and Wordpress themes seem very stable (excepting Cyber Monday, of course, which took place on 28th of November).

Now let’s look at the sales of Wordpress themes with Education concept for the same period of time:

Although the educational year started almost half of the year ago, sales of Educational Themes are getting higher and higher. This is caused by raising popularity of different online and offline educational services. Before choosing a concept for your future item, always check average sales and daily sold items. Here’s the graphs on average sales rate for the Education concept and the amount of items that were sold at least once during November 2016:

As you can see, the amount of items that are sold daily doesn’t change much, but the average amount of sales are getting higher. Please note, that the average amount of sales is calculated only for items that were sold for at least once during chosen period.
Remember to know how many items you’ll need to compete with. For example, for the past 5 months there were only 25 Wordpress themes uploaded to Education concept.

Learn from the succeded ones.
Let’s look at the TOP-10 sold items:

You can notice, that the majority of items presented in the TOP has higher price than $50 and still gets decent sales in a month. And the majority of most sold items were uploaded in past years.
The other important thing affecting sales are tags. Depending on what tags you’ll choose for your item you will get more or less sales.

As we can see, lists of the most popular and the most sold tags have not so much in common. So, always inspect most sold tags for your chosen concept and category.

All of the data presented are actual and accurate, so you can rely on it in every research for your future item. But remember: the main responsibility on the way to success is to develop a decent, quality product and with our data you’ll understand how to sell it better.

And the last tip for today’s report: subscribe to Stattie and always be aware of trends, changes and peculiarities of template marketplaces.

See the report that was made while writing the article here

PSD Template sales insights. Themeforest statistical overview. Part #4
Real Estate sales and insights - Themeforest statistical overview. Part #2
ThemeForest statistical overview. Part #1


Hi there!
I own an elite author account and I’m wondering if the service you offer will be useful for me.
Do you actually have the data and graphs you’ve presented in the article or this is just a demo version?

Thanks for the question!
We do actually have all the data and graphs that we’ve shown in the article. You can see all of them here.

Currently I found the same service but with totally different logic that allow you to find combination of the most beneficial properties for your next project :

Seem good but have problems and seem unfinished.

No contacts informations, poor design and contents and users can not register due password validator not work. ex with password like $545AAP@sswordFFF the response is: Weak - Please enter a stronger password.

1 Like

Thanks for the objective criticism, it’s always important. In truth, this service was intended for internal use, as the system for researching and analyzing perspective niches and attention was focused on functionality, perhaps this is the reason for poor design, talking about contacts, a contact form can be found at the bottom of the home page. In any case, thanks.


Ok great. Actually the only true problem is the password validator that block me to register.
Anyway seem a great service


Already fixed, please could you check it.